Thursday, October 31, 2019

Economic--Government Regulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic--Government Regulation - Research Paper Example Regulation of a country’s affairs by the government is not a contemporary issue as it is considered an event that began several decades ago as most governments engaged in attempts to advance their interest. In other words, regulations have been used to protect key interests of the civilians and those of the government of the day. Government regulations touch on a number of issues key among them being political, economic and social. As time passes by regulations, tend to develop at numerous government levels as commissions gain greater powers with respect to operation of regulations. In other words, the government departments and agencies are becoming heavily involved in design and final implementation of the regulations. It is noteworthy that government agencies constituted by either the executive or the legislative branches are highly responsible for actual implementation of various regulations issued by the government department in charge. For instance, in the United States, the Food and Drug Association (FDA) and Environment Protection Agency (EPA) are responsible promoting laws that ensure safe food and drug products are in the market while as well as laws that cut down on pollution effect in the country respectively. Government agencies have become powerful institutions over the recent past owing to the delegate roles they have been extended to by the government. For instance, the legislative arm of the government may formulate or enact laws and establish guiding principles and the agencies are left to make follow-ups and final implementation. The operations of these agencies are highly influenced by their independence and as such, there are certain agencies that free from the control of the executive and other department of the government. The government departments as well as agencies do not often work in isolation considering the fact that members from the private sector are normally included in the board. The private sector

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Do Animals Use Language Or Do They Simply Communicate Essay

Do Animals Use Language Or Do They Simply Communicate - Essay Example This essay stresses that the precise definition of language muddies the debate. Apes do not hold intellectual conversations similar to television cartoon characters but they are communicating using sign language based upon vocal human language. There are many identifying components that are required to formally label communicative skills as language. The intent to communicate must be exhibited along with an attached meaning, in other words, an exchange of ideas is necessary. Vocalizing language is not a requirement because the deaf and mute use sign language to communicate and their ability to use language is not in question. This paper makes a conclusion that in Charles Darwin’s studies, which lead to the theory of evolution, his examination of the linguistic-like characteristics in primates confirmed his historic, groundbreaking theory on the ancestry of mankind. Even the skeptic Chomsky admits that a better comprehension of the cognitive and intellectual aptitude of chimpanzees and other apes may allow for a deeper appreciation of the human thought process. Although animals have not as yet communicated vocally via human language, they have demonstrated the ability to converse with people to an amazingly large degree. They understand language and reply appropriately. Can animals use language? The answer remains dependent on how strict a definition one assigns the concept of language.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Roles And Uses Of Political Rhetoric Politics Essay

The Roles And Uses Of Political Rhetoric Politics Essay This paper discusses how Aristotle defined rhetoric and analyzes the reasoning that went into development of a persuasive speech. This paper looks at the three types of rhetoric Aristotle described as well as the explanation for the role and place of rhetoric in todays political environment. Political Rhetoric Rhetoric as defined by Aristotle was the ability, in each particular case, to use the available means of persuasion. In general, rhetoric is the energy inherent in emotion and thought, transmitted through a system of signs, including language, to others to influence their decisions or actions(Kennedy, pp. 5-8). Aristotle introduces rhetoric as an art which focuses on persuasion and the various methods used to convince an audience of a specific point of view. Some people see rhetoric as a technique of manipulation and not a form of persuasion, however, as with everything that point is debatable. In general, rhetoric is the art of public speaking and debate. Rhetorical skills are valued in such professions as teaching, law, religion, news reporting and politics. While the purpose of rhetoric concentrates on the emotional response of sensitive topics such as religion and politics, the ultimate goal of rhetoric is to sway ones opinion. Professional rhetoricians dont have to be honest in the speech, they do, however must show a form of entertainment and be effective. Aristotle described three major rhetorical means of persuasion; ethos, pathos and logos. Ethos uses trust to persuade the audience. A politician uses his or her respective reputation and what is perceived and said about them; however there is a close connection between reputation and reality. Credibility depends both on expertise and how this is portrayed. In order to persuade the audience, you must first believe in yourself. Pathos does not directly involve the argument itself; instead pathos relies on the emotions of the audience. An efficient way to move the audience is to appeal to their values. Logos is Greek for logic and is used to persuade the audience by demonstrating the truth and is based on scientific facts. Logos is also used to appeal to the intellect of the audience, and is considered an argument of logic. The use of rhetoric is very apparent in political speeches and the outcome is measured by a vote placed by each member of the audience. Aristotelian rhetoric assumes that you believe the politician, and disbelieve all other politicians that have different views. The persuasiveness or manipulation of a speech not only depends on the nature of the speech, but also on the believability of its origin and beliefs shared by the speaker and the audience. The audience is attracted to the integrity, passion and reasoning of the speaker. The speaker must find the proper balance of the aforementioned qualities in the debate in order to be effective. In the end the audience is persuaded because they sense that the speaker is an expert on the topic based on his or her substantial confidence and the amount of emotion involved. Rhetoric used in the past The foundation of the modern approach to society, including the entirety of the modern political system, is fallout from the medieval rediscovery of Aristotles work; during the Crusades, Europeans re-discovered Latin translations of Aristotle in various libraries throughout the Islamic world. When rhetoric is applied to political speech, therefore, it may be concluded that the politician is attempting to sway the publics opinion in a manner that is unjust and false. Today political parties in the United States play an integral role in political elections, local, state and national. Parties have become a vehicle for exerting the ideas and agenda of large and collective groups of citizens. However, political parties in colonial American and the early Republic were viewed negatively, by both early politicians and philosophers. Even the founding fathers had issues with political parties. Parties were thought to divide Americans. Also, thinkers of the time thought that forming parties would result in spawning a winning side and a losing side in elections, which would further split Americans. People in society today are greatly influenced by what they read. The articles in the newspapers skew peoples beliefs of political affairs and current events in the same way that biased articles in popular magazines seem to shape the way the general public views different types of cultural aspects. Keeping this in mind, it is especially important to note that during the 1800s, the people lacked other forms of media and communication that people in modern times are influenced by. Instead, they relied heavily on literature to entertain themselves, most of which shaped the way they viewed culture, politics, and life itself. Consider how politicians use rhetoric to promote their policies. We focus on a particular type of rhetorical appeal-those based on emotionally charged predictions about policy consequences. For politicians, we emphasize maximizing and strategic behavior, reflecting their full-time employment in politics and large personal stakes in political outcomes. Political leaders want to win policy debates and they employ rhetoric in an effort to move public opinion to their respective sides. The very reason for public political debate between parties is to sway those preferences in one or the other direction. Politicians often try to shape citizens beliefs about current conditions and the likelihood that particular outcomes will occur if a policy is or is not put into law (e.g., Jerit, 2009; Lupia Menning, 2009). Politicians can attempt to form and change such beliefs, fundamentally, because of the role of uncertainty in policy decisions. There is always considerable and sometimes enormous uncertainty about the impact of proposed policies (see, e.g., Riker, 1996).1 Not even experts really know the consequences of a policy in advance. We agree that value-based arguments are an important part of politicians rhetoric. If politics were solely about values, each side would assert its values early, and citizens would line up on one side or the other. Politicians say many things during the course of a policy debate, and so the first task is to identify the forms that political rhetoric and argument can take. From the perspective of politicians seeking to persuade citizens, the three potentially most valuable forms are assertions of core party values and principles, predictions of future states,3 and factual descriptions of current circumstances. All three forms of political rhetoric are motivated by party leaders desires to sway opinion in the preferred direction, although each form has its own purpose. If parties can shape beliefs, and thus preferences, by taking advantage of uncertainty and strategically using rhetoric, then winning elections and winning policy debates through rhetorical persuasion are both possible, if not mutually reinforcing. Political rhetoric will not evolve in precisely the same way across different policy debates. We have offered several propositions about how politicians should behave when they believe they can shape citizens beliefs. They also show that neither politicians nor the media seem to provide citizens with reliable, readily identified cues to help distinguish those that are worth taking seriously from those that are just hot air. Under such circumstances, what can we reasonably expect from citizens who are asked to render political judgments? Speculations on Citizens Responses to Political Rhetoric To address citizens responses to predictive rhetoric, we first comment on two important perspectives in political psychology that appear to suggest grounds for expecting quite competent performance. test is crucial to understanding the uses of predictive rhetoric and its consequences for citizen competence. Unfortunately, we are about to navigate largely uncharted waters. 11 Citizens Assessments of Asserted Links in Predictive Arguments Assuming that citizens care about the outcome, they will consciously or unconsciously consider the claimed link between the focal policy and that outcome. Does an important causal linkage exist? To avoid effort, and lacking expertise in the policy area, citizens will limit their answers to a simple categorical question: Is there a genuine, significant link of the sort claimed, or is the claimed link minimal or nonexistent? Unlike experts, ordinary people generally will not bother with refined distinctions, for example, attempting to distinguish between a very important and a somewhat important link. To avoid being manipulated, unaligned citizens will not take politicians at their word, but rather will try to assess the validity of an alleged link independently. In searching for independent corroboration, they will employ simple heuristics, including the following three in particular. We concluded that rhetorical predictions about the consequences of policies create obstacles for citizens who seek to make reasonable decisions. Conclusion In this very exploratory chapter, we have considered the political logic of policy rhetoric; the prominence of appeals that rely on extreme and mostly negative predictions and seek to elicit an emotional response; the processes that citizens use in determining their response; and the consequences of those processes for the competence of individual and collective decisions about policy. To put our findings simply, the information environment in which citizens make decisions about policies presents a constant stream of dramatic, emotionally salient predictive claims, covering a wide range of outcomes, and presented largely without supporting evidence or other diagnostic information. The highly partisan cope with this constant stream by adopting the party line. The unaligned have no such luxury, and thus must try to make sense of the political rhetoric. Sometimes the dire predictions elicit some form of corroborating information-a pertinent schema, an example from daily life, or the like-in the minds of these citizens, thus ringing a bell with them. There is little reason to suppose that the predictive appeals that ring a bell in this way correspond at all closely to the considerations that would prove decisive in an environment that encouraged deliberate judgment on the basis of realistic claims and the best available diagnostic information. But, then, there is no reason to believe that taking party cues does, either.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay on Conflict Resolution and Mediation to End School Violence

Use of Conflict Resolution and Mediation to End School Violence       Conflict and differences of opinion exist in every healthy organization. Americans need to try to take control of today's youth and the violence that is and has been developing in this country for many years.   Although violence will never be extinct, there are many different ways to reduce violence.   Each school and student population has different ways of dealing with and helping to curb the need for violence in schools.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most effective and most common method in dealing with violence in schools is conflict resolution.   It has been used in many different states and in several different formats to try to give the students, faculty, and parents an idea to what may help stop or prevent this violence and other problems from happening.   According to the Texas Youth Commission, there are ten main reasons for instituting a school-based conflict resolution/mediation program.   They are as follows: * Conflict is a natural human state that becomes more prevalent during personal growth. * A more effective system is needed to deal with conflict in the school than expulsion or court intervention. * The use of mediation to resolve school-based problems can result in improved communication between and among student, teachers, and parents. * Mediation training assists in preparing students to live in a multicultural world. * Shifting responsibility for solving conflicts from teachers to young adults will free teachers to focus on teaching. * Mediation provides a system of problem solving that is uniquely suited to the personal nature of young people's problems. * Mediation training increases students' interest in con... ...vary by ethnicity, family income, or geographic location" (Factors, 2).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is obvious that the use of conflict resolution and mediation is essential in our school systems.   Not only does it provide a safer way to talk out the problems between students; it also gives us a mean to handle the problem of violence in our schools more safely.    Works Cited Harberg Consulting Group. Conflict Resolution. [Online].  Ã‚   Available: (November 20, 1998) Author Unknown. Factors Contributing To School Violence. [Online].Available: (September 21, 1998) Author Unknown. Ten Reasons for Instituting A School-Based Mediation Program. [Online]. Available: (November 20, 1998).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sometimes It Snows In April

It was just another typical evening at Silver Town. Rowan, Shannon, Reeve, and I were five friends from Madison high and we were driving past Rose Hall (the famous haunted house) on that Halloween evening. The house lay in ruins. Not a single soul had lived in it for over fifty years. There, it stood, alone in the hills, rising from the green cane fields. There were no other houses near by. It stood there day and night, all alone. Every one said the devil lived there and that anyone who slept in the house will die violently and mysteriously or survive, hopelessly insane. Nevertheless people did go into the house from time to time. We all went in as well but that was in broad daylight, of course. We visited the grand rooms and we went down the back staircases to the cellar, where Annie Palmer used to practice black magic and where the dark brown stain that was said to be the blood of her last murdered husband. Rose Hall was not a nice place at all. Even in bright sunshine the windows were broken and black with dust and grime. Every Halloween night the five of us, oh sorry I forgot to mention Mace, he has a record for violent disorder, well to me he has†¦. it as 2 years ago on an Autumn evening me and Mace went down to the new arcade arena, and for nothing Mace beat up a young boy in the toilets, I had to hold him back. Mace has always been a bit odd and he always picks on people for no reason. He may be a mad person, but he sure is my friend. Anyhow back to the story†¦ the 5 of us went down to our high school where other friends would come, and we used to have a Halloween party, sometimes everyone used to dress up as vampires and other weird things. But really, we use to get together with everyone and play games, sit around telling horror stories and mostly for fun. On that night we turned up to the party quite late and found every one busy playing games and talking. We walked in and found a round table near the corner and went to sit down. Just when we were all starting to get bored Shannon came up with the idea about playing truth or dare. We started to play and that's when all the trouble started to come. We all wrote out our separate dares on pieces of white paper, folded them and placed them in a vase. We picked out our dares. First Rowan, then me, Mace after, followed by Reeve and then Shannon. One by one every one started to leave as it as getting quite late and it was only the five of us left and with one or two people that were on the other side of the hall. It all started when it was Shannon's dare, I could tell it was something bad by the look on Mace's face. Shannon's dare was to go to Rose Hall, knock on the door and say trick or treat. At first we all thought that it was a very good idea and that we should all go trick or treating. It was really dark with hardly any one on the streets. All the little children had gone home and nearly all the lights were switched off. We drove up slowly and we could see the dark deserted house all there lone and it felt as though it was waiting for us. For some strange reason the journey up the hill seemed to take years and what more it was starting to rain, and not only that Mace was driving. It started to thunder and lightning struck, and then it looked at us, smelled us, it was as though the lightening and the fear from it was its light. The house never looked more evil, every film, nightmare, anything scary that makes me want to run under my parents covers when their not there flashed before my very eyes, It gave me the shivers and I felt that something inside was telling me; This is not right; turn back, evil dwells here†. These words were running through my head over and over again. At that moment I remember Reeve calling me. I told them to turn back the car in a very quiet voice. They all looked at me as though I was stupid or something. Then Reeve asked me what was wrong for the second time, but this time I didn't bother as I was starting to get really scared. Nobody was listening to me. I thought they were all thinking I had gone mad. Just then I heard a whisper saying `I can't turn the car'. Straight away I looked at Mace's face. I heard him say it again to the four of us. This time he said it in fear. We all went silent staring ahead. The only sound to be heard was the rain. It was getting louder and louder as we drew closer and closer to the grim Rose Hall. In a flash we were there. It was dark. The rain had stopped now and I could feel a cold breeze rushing past my face; it did not feel like the normal winter breeze, it was a shivering breeze, an evil, deathly breeze. Shannon walked towards the door slowly. We followed behind her and it felt as though each step that we took towards the door was the last. `Knock, knock' We felt the sound vibrate in the silence surrounding us. At this instant I grabbed Mace's arm with the thought that something was going to open the door. We waited and waited till we all felt relieved that nothing was there to let us in. We all turned back with the intention of leaving, but just then we heard the door start to creak open slowly. Before we even had the chance to look back Shannon, had gone and we heard it. We heard the faint scream for help. My legs started to shake, I was weak, I felt as though I was at a funeral, my heart was soft, and I could feel it beat, it was fast. The tears were there. Rowan screamed and then she urst into tears and fell down on her knees. We could feel the silent night looking down at the four of us, helpless, knowing that there was no turning back now, but only to face the fear ahead of us. It felt like as though we were in the part of a film, a funeral, everyone crying, sad music at the background, everywhere you look there was sorrow. The door was left there wide open for us, and we knew that there was no way out. We made the final decision that we had to go into Rose Hall and find Shannon. We went in pairs: me and Mace, Rowan and Reeve. We all had the fear hidden inside us, but outwardly we showed raveness as we stepped into the forbidden house. As we walked in, we found our selves in the middle of the hallway with only two straight narrow paths ahead of us that were never there before. Looking at these paths we knew that one of these path would lead us home where as one would lead us to another world, the world we did not want to enter, the world contradicted by hope, but we did not know which was which. Mace and I decided that we would go right, but Reeve and Rowan wanted to go the same way as well. We sensed that we only had a short period of time and we had no time to argue, so I ecided that Mace and I should go left and let the other two go right. As we approached our paths we all turned around at the same time, and looked at each other, thinking that it's the last time. I ran towards Reeve and my closest friend, Rowan, and gave them both a big hug, which felt to me as if it was bringing back all the memories of the five of us together with smiles on our faces. I felt Mace's warm hand around my shoulder drawing me away from Reeve and Rowan. I remember Mace telling me that there was nothing we could do, except to face what was coming, we did not have a choice because, the door ad closed behind us. I managed to pull my-self away from both of them. We said good-bye to each other for the final time, and we started to walk. Our footsteps sounded very loud on the wooden floor. Everything smelt damp and moldy and there was silence as if many ears were listening to our footsteps. I felt as though I had been walking for many days without stopping, not realizing how much pain I was in, but instead realizing the fear. Mace and I started to walk faster, after a couple of minutes or probably hours, I began to feel as though I was reaching destiny, only not knowing what it was. Mace suddenly stopped. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. We stood there for a couple of minutes and then we heard two screams. At first I did not want to believe what I had heard but I had to and I decided to go back for them. I didn't know what was going through my head; I started to run as fast as I could until I tripped over something and for a minute I thought I was dead. I was sitting there when I felt something dripping on me. It was really dark which meant I couldn't see what it was, but I decided to smell it. It smelt weird. It smelt like blood. Just then I let out the oudest scream that I had ever screamed in my whole entire life. I heard Mace's footsteps coming towards me as yet I did not look up. He came and sat next to me. I remember Mace whispering in my ear and asking me what was wrong. I told him I felt something dripping on me and it smelt like blood. Mace smokes, so he always carries a box of matches' in-case his lighter never worked. We were both sitting there and it felt as though we had given up hope. Mace took a cigarette out of his pocket and a box of matches to light the cigarette. When the fire flicked on the match something took it out. I started to get really scared; I knew something or someone else was in there apart from the both of us. I sat there silently, trying my hardest not to make a move, I even held my breath, and although it was dark, I closed my eyes. Those couple of seconds felt like a couple of hours. He flicked his match again and this time the flame did not go out. He looked around to see if anything was there, but he couldn't find anything. Just then he felt something drip on him. He looked up slowly. I remember him being quiet for a long time until I looked up. It was a horrible site, a photographical site and memory, and I hate hinking about it. I was too shocked to cry or even say anything. I could feel my heart beat getting faster and my body getting cold and hot and cold and hot. It was Shannon. She was covered in blood, her eyes red and wide open, her mouth also open with her tongue sticking out, accompanied with her ever slow blood flowing to the end of her tongue where it built up only to drip, there was blood all over her body, and there was only distinguishable as a pole trusted in her belly, flowing with blood, holding her, supporting her to the ceiling. She was a mess. All hope that I ever had was lost, it felt like a child getting its ost awaited toy and only after getting it, it was taken away, I felt what the people walking aimlessly in the desert with a dry throat felt, after running with joy at the first site of water only to discover it was a mirage. We couldn't do anything apart from walking ahead. Every step felt like the last one. We walked and walked in total darkness, with the presence of our recent memories until our legs couldn't carry us any longer so we both had to sit down. I put my head down and I remember thinking about what my family was doing and what time it was. Just then Mace told me to look up, he told me that e reached it; he told me that we have reached our destiny. Without saying a thing I stood up in amazement, speechless. â€Å"Mace, Shannon, Rowan, and Reeve we're home†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"Darling, wake up†. I opened my eyes so many people, my own people. `I'm home, I'm home†¦ Where are the rest where are they? ‘ `I'm sorry darling. They†¦ , they died in the car accident. Thank god that you survived'. From that day to this I don't know how we ended up in the car accident, and I don't know why I came back but Mace didn't. Every time I drive past Rose Hall I hear the screams of Reeve and Rowan and still see the body of Shannon. Twenty-five years have passed and things have changed in the outside world, but I have not changed. For me my past is still living and haunting me. I have still not yet uncovered the mysteries of that night in Rose Hall. It's a normal evening at Silver Town. Halloween night has come back to me again. And as I'm driving towards Rose Hall I hear again the same voice, the voice that I once heard twenty-five years ago but this time it is saying `Come†¦ come†¦ come'. I still don't know if Mace lied when he said he couldn't turn the car around, but I do believe that he is still alive and I am going back for him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Qualities that Bullies Share

Bullies have always been a threat to every kid in school, in a neighborhood and even to grown-ups in the workplace. A great number of films, most especially teen flicks, have stereotyped bullies as the students who are largely built to physically abuse much smaller students, football jocks who are very popular that every girl adores them and nerds fear them, and attractive girls who are as popular as the jocks who would pick on not-so attractive girls. However, these are merely stereotypes which are used for cinematic drama but they pose a good reflection of real life bullies.Nonetheless, we cannot simply identify them by race, gender, age or the way they look yet they seem to share certain qualties which are common to bullies. These qualities may be seen in their physical looks, built, family background, and emotional stability. The Qualities that Bullies Share Bullying is defined as a â€Å"behaviour which consistently undemrines another's confidence, reducing feelings of self-wor th and self-esteem† (Field, 51). This definition of the term already gives away an image of a bully.A bully cannot regularly be determined by simply judging his or her physical built but rather the person's emotional and psychological stability. One of the few qualities that bullies have in common is their immaturity in handling responsibilities. They try to be destructively critical of others to justify their inability to handle the situation themselves. For example, in school, a bully student could blame all the faults on his or her laboratory partner once their experiment fails. The bully's inability to accept his or her failure shows how irresponsible and immature the person is.They try to cover up some personal vulnerabilities by picking and finding fault on others. They are always full of complaints without first analysing what their supposed role is. In relation to their immaturity and irresponsibility, another quality which can be present in a bully's personality are t heir insecurities in life. They always seem to have a vision that they are above others. They can be considered to be self-absorbed at some point as they would always target people who they think they can manipulate. They try to degrade other people's self-esteem thinking that they could boost theirs.â€Å"He also injects his own insecurity which is then transferred to the victim† (Field, 52). They try to exhaust their insecurities to their victims to avoid having to face their emotional misery on their own. This behaviour in bullies shows how undeveloped their emotional stability is. They cannot handle emotionally-degrading situations so they they try to deal with it by turning them over to their victims. Their immaturity and insecurities are eating up what could have been an oppurtunity for their characters and skills to develop. ConclusionBullies do not have a particular face or look that one can easily pinpoint. They can be anyone in your surroundings who can produce a lo t of destructive criticisms in a snap of a finger. They may not even be aware that they are committing an act of bullying. A bully is not always the fat guy in school or the handsome jocks portrayed on film. They are people who have problems trying deal with their incapacities by degrading others. Work Cited Field, Tim. Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace bullying : overcoming the silence and denial by which abuse thrives. United Kingdom: Success

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

8 steps to managing your time effectively as an admin assistant

8 steps to managing your time effectively as an admin assistant If you’re an administrative assistant, chances are good that youre supposed to rock at everything related to time management.  This vital job skill might not come naturally to you, but it is something you can learn (and become great at) over time. Even if youre on top of things, it’s always possible to streamline even more.Here are 8 strategies for how to manage your time effectively (or even more effectively) while on the job.1. Stop procrastinating.Getting a sense of just how much you procrastinate is often a good motivator to beat this common habit once and for all. Put a little tick mark or X next to a task on your to-do list for every time you think about doing it, but then put it off for later. Start noticing how many tick marks pile up. Pretty crazy, right? Wouldnt it take a lot less of your mental energy just to get something done? Then, you could cross it off and move on!Tackle your tasks promptly. Handle each email or piece of paper only once, and then get i t off your desk. It’s not doing anyone any good just sitting there.2. Keep your inbox clean.Letting emails and snail mail pile up in your inboxes is the kiss of death. Learn how to quickly process information, synthesize it, and turn it into action. When you get a message of any sort, deal with it then. Sort your emails into file folders, leaving only the actionable items. Then breeze through those until you’ve got a blank slate.3. Don’t try to multitask.Unless youre a whiz at doing lots at once, multitasking often ends up meaning you don’t do any tasks. Tackling a lot of little things will decrease your productivity, no matter how good you are at splitting your focus. Practice mindfulness at work. Take it one task at a time. Go a little slower, and you’ll find your productivity and quality of output both increase. Dare to work slowly- if you do it right the first time, you’ll save time overall.4. Eliminate interruptions.Of course, youll get interrupted throughout the course of a day. Just don’t let each one derail you. Keep interactions short, and don’t put down your pen or change your body language to answer questions. Keep coworkers from lingering for a chat. Be friendly, but dismissive when you’re really in the zone.5. Cultivate efficiency.Don’t make extra work for yourself, and take unnecessary steps. Organize tasks in like bunches–for example, aim to make two trips to the copier per day instead of twelve. Plan your errands to maximize efficiency.6. Set a schedule.Set times for each day where you will check your email, then turn off your notifications- except for things marked urgent. You don’t have to read each one the second it comes in. As long as you’re checking multiple times a day- say for five minutes every hour, or ten minutes every two or three hours- you’re not going to miss anything crucial. (And see step 2: when you do take the time to read messag es, deal with them then and there!)7. Prioritize in order of importance.Always manage your workday so you’re dispatching the most important things first. Log an hour first thing (perhaps even before that first cup of office coffee and that first email check) on your most important project. Even if you can’t get that task done in that hour, you’ll have made serious progress and will be more likely to get back to it and complete it that day.8. Organize the spaces around you.Keep your desk clear of clutter. Keep your web addresses sorted alphabetically, and by category. Keep your to-do list lean and mean by revamping it every afternoon before you leave. If all elements around you are neat, clean, and orderly, its much easier to be efficient. Time spent looking for things is time better spent on completing tasks!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mis Development Essays - Information Technology Management

Mis Development Essays - Information Technology Management Mis Development MIS Development The term Management Information Systems (MIS) has come to refer to a wide range of applications of computers to data processing and analysis problems in the private and public sectors. The pace of developments in computing in general, and MIS in particular, is breathtaking. Traditional concepts of how computers can and should be integrated into businesses are being challenged by worldwide telecommunications and transmission of sound, graphics, and video alongside of text. Virtually all successful businesses use computers extensively. If you don't like computers, and want to have a career in business that involves little use of themthink again. You don't have to like them, but you will have to deal with them extensively. This is a fact of life along with the hole in the ozone, Oklahoma City, TWA 800, AIDS, and The Real World on MTV (now in its fifth season!). Computers can have a profound impact on the way that power is distributed in society. Those who ignore computers are apt to be left out of important decisions. You may even become the person in your firm who has responsibility for your firm's use of information technology. Nevertheless, many people have little understanding of what computers are and what they can do. There is a desperate need in our society for liberally educated people who are able to balance the enormous possibilities of computing with its potentially harmful consequences. In the business world, there has been a gap between those who are computer smart and those who speak the language of business. You need to know enough about computers to be able to: understand how computers support decision making and how they can be used to obtain strategic advantages; understand the challenges posed by the rise of the Internet; understand how the computer works in order to have a feel for the computer's limitations; understand how data is stored and managed; understand how to store and retrieve data yourself; understand the different types of computer systems and when one type or another is appropriate; understand how the overall parts of an MIS system work together and what some of the functions that they accomplish are; understand how to state computer system requirements and understand how computer systems are built; understand how computing is managed in the corporate environment; understand some of the social issues which computers raise. Achieving these objectives will give you the tools you will need to function effectively in the business environment. Bibliography

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Introduce Kids to Weather with These Coloring Pages

Introduce Kids to Weather with These Coloring Pages One of the earliest ways kids begin learning about the weather is by drawing and coloring weather symbols like suns, clouds, snowflakes, and the seasons. Teaching children about the weather with art and pictures not only makes it easier for them to understand, it also makes learning about severe and more serious kinds of weather less scary. Weve rounded up a collection of  family-friendly  weather coloring books offered by  the National Weather Service that help keep families informed and safe during severe weather events. Kids are encouraged to read about each severe storm type and then color in the pictures.   Meet Billy Maria Created by NOAAs National Severe Storms Laboratory,  Billy and Maria are two young friends who learn about severe weather through their adventures in  thunderstorms, tornadoes, and winter storms. Young students can accompany them by reading each story page and then coloring in the pictures.   Best for ages: 3 to 5 years The smaller coloring spaces, large text, and  simple sentences make these books appropriate for younger children.  Ã‚   Severe Weather with Owlie Skywarn NOAA also aims to capture the attention of kids with Owlie Skywarn, their official weather mascot.  Owlie is known for being wise about the weather and can help your children and students to do the same.  Booklets are 5-10 pages long and include fact boxes with illustrations that can be colored in. A  quiz (true/false, fill in the blank) is included at the end of every book to test what kids have learned.  Ã‚   In addition to the Owlie Skywarn coloring books, kids can also follow Owlies weather adventures  on Twitter (NWSOwlieSkywarn) and Facebook (nwsowlie). Some of Owlies Activity books  talk about: TornadoesHurricanesFloodsLightningWinter Storms Best for ages:  8 and up The coloring books are expertly designed and very informative, but almost too informative. The font type is quite  small and the information is a little above the coloring book stage of student interest.   Teachers: Weave Coloring Into Your Weather Science Lesson Plans Teachers can  implement these weather coloring books into the classroom as part of a daily plan over the course of five days. Using a severe storms theme, we suggest teachers present all of the materials one day at a time. Print out all of the booklets in the list, but don’t pass out the quiz. Present the material to students and then give them the quiz to take home and complete with their families. Tell students their assignment is to â€Å"teach† their families about severe storm preparation. Parents: Make Weather Coloring An Anytime Activity Just because these coloring books are educational, doesnt mean they dont make a good anytime coloring activity! Parents and guardians should use them at home, too, to begin to teach kids about weather safety from  a very young age.  Each of the coloring books actually shows kids how to react in the event of severe weather so that whenever storms do hit home, your kids will feel more  relaxed and ready for them.   Follow this family plan to implement these booklets in your family nights. We suggest parents plan one night per week to review the written information in the booklets. Since there are five booklets, you can complete this small course of study in just five weeks. Since storm preparation is so vital, you have to remember to practice the safety information over and over. Here are the steps: Assign one night for reading and reviewing the information together.Give your kids supplies to color the pages. Make sure you tell your kids to think about the safety information as they color.Check with your kids periodically to see what they remember. Put the details into practice at  home with random questions about the material. Since storms can happen suddenly, knowing what to do quickly and â€Å"on the spot† is vital to learning and preparation.At the end of the week, go over the information together again. Present the Owlie Skywarn quiz and see how many of the answers your kids can guess.Design a weather drill poster or paper so that you and the rest of your family will know what to do during a storm. Post it to a central spot, like the refrigerator.  Periodically, practice the weather drills so that your family stays refreshed.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Any engineering ethical issue. i prefer Bp oil spill if possible Essay

Any engineering ethical issue. i prefer Bp oil spill if possible - Essay Example By October 2010, it had reached the West Bay in Texas and started to have underwater oil plumes as well (Gillis 2010). The ethical efforts used to prevent offshore oil spill included in remotely operating underwater vehicles so that a closure could be found for the blowout preventer valves with regards to the well head (Whitney 2010). It was on 20th September that BP was effectively able to bring an end to the oil spill carnage after it had erupted on 20th April due to an explosion. The strategies used to contain the oil spill comprised of holding it back on the surface so that minimum damage was done (Borenstein 2010). The endeavors of BP after this explosion included in the fact that it did everything in its might to take care of the problems as it maintained daily response efforts on its website. This spill is indeed one of the worst environmental disasters of the time and more specifically which US has faced. The ethical role of BP is something that one should delve into deeply a s it shook the world like nothing else in the past. Works Cited Borenstein, Seth. "Major study charts long-lasting oil plume in Gulf". Associated Press, 2010 Gillis, Justin. "Gulf Surface Oil Vanishing Quickly". The New York Times, 2010 Kerr, Richard. "A Lot of Oil on the Loose, Not So Much to Be Found". Science 329: 734, 2010 Whitney, Michael. Two Workers Dead in BP Oil Disaster Recovery Effort, 2010

Friday, October 18, 2019

Housing Economics (For Housing Studies Degree) Essay

Housing Economics (For Housing Studies Degree) - Essay Example (King 2009:80). One of the guises where the government intercepts in housing markets is by offering subsidiaries to households and landlords. This is mainly to make the housing sector more affordable, to support landlords to construct more or better quality residences, or to make sure the housing stock is of adequately high quality. (King 2009:80). Subsidy means the ways and means to make housing more affordable and cheaper than it otherwise would be. Hence, the subsidies will indirectly reduce the cost of housing and probably will facilitate more households to have access to it. As per Oxley and Smith (1996), housing subsidies mean an implicit or explicit flow of funds encouraged by the government activity which minimises the cost of housing construction or consumption else the cost would have been still higher. (King 2009:80). The demand -side subsidy is one where the government will subsidise the private sector mainly through improvement grants and housing allowance, and owner occupiers through many guises of tax exemptions and reliefs. The supply- side subsidies include rent control where the landlords could not raise the rent beyond the limit set by the government or to increase the income level so that savings can be made which can be used for housing. The rent loss to landlords will be compensated by the extension of tax relief for owner occupiers and extending government grants to housing associations. (King 2009:80). This type of subsidies meant to be granted to households directly or paid to service providers directly in lieu of the households. One-time subsidy is given for the building, purchase or completing either an existing or new housing unit or to rehabilitate the existing houses. Within the government’s budget, these grants are usually funded through an unambiguous appropriation process which throws their total cost translucent to the general public.

Toyota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Toyota - Essay Example However, the suppliers’ competency is one of the current long term objectives of the Toyota (â€Å"Helping Suppliers Compete†). The TMC believes that the steady and long term relationship with suppliers would be beneficial for the company to spawn mutual benefits through mutual trust. The company has also formulated specific strategies to augment the competitiveness of its suppliers in the auto-manufacturing marketplace. For instance, as reported (in â€Å"Helping suppliers compete†), the company’s annual purchasing policy sets certain annual performance expectations for customers in some specific areas such as quality, delivery, cost, and supplier diversity; and in addition, the company dispatches experts to work with suppliers when they struggle to meet their annual expectations. Mitigation of environmental impact of automobiles is another long term objective of the company (â€Å"our stance on biofuels†). Nowadays, consumers are increasingly conc erned about the issues like global warming and green gas emissions. It has been identified that fuel combustion in vehicles contributes to environmental issues. Therefore, the company has made certain sets of environmental leadership core principles with intent to amplify the future growth.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Italy Country Profile Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Italy Country Profile - Assignment Example . . Italy is a magic. Explore it† (â€Å"Beautiful Italy,† n.d.). With this notion, it can be perceived that Italy must be a paragon of a paradise in the contemporary perspective. The concept of this paper has been created as to depict the PEST-C aspects of the country, including the Hofstede's perspectives of analyzing the culture of Italy as compared to Canada, and depicting the feasible business venture in the country. Lastly, a conclusive remark will be inscribed. 2. PEST-C Aspects Political/Legal. When it comes to dealing with weak pecuniary locus of the country, Italy has announced to cut its budget amounting to â‚ ¬26bn from the period span 2012-14. In accordance with the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2011, the country is placed at 69th among 183 nations (â€Å"Italy Country Profile,† 2012, p. 4). In the context of European Union, Italy is deemed as having the highest aggregate tax rate. In accordance with Paying Taxes 2 012, the nation’s aggregate tax rate was 68.5%, which is notably above the average of EU of 43.4%. Such taxes may comprise of profit and labor impositions. Dismally, the nation’s aggregate piracy rate is 49% that has eventuated to procure detrimental losses of â‚ ¬1.87bn; such piracy issues are associated to business and entertainment softwares (â€Å"Italy Country Profile,† 2012, p. 5). ... Furthermore, non-performing loans, such as substandard, restructured, bad, and past-due loans. In accordance with the International Monetary Fund, these loans have incremented to 11% in 2011 from about 6% in 2008. The debt turmoil has become the triggering factor for organizations to be exposed to short-term debts, which are dependent to the lending institutions. Otherwise stated, organizations are doomed to fail because of the potential risks of high interest rates and be liquidated. The worst case is that forty percent of these organizations are exposed to interest rates that are payable within a period of less than twelve months (â€Å"Italy Country Profile,† 2012, pp. 4-5). Social/Cultural. It is significant to consider the demographic profile of a country when it comes to depicting the generality of its social aspects. Therein, cultural aspects will be delved as well in the light of fathoming the demographic facets. In accordance with the CIA World Factbook, the average l ife expectancy of Italy last 2012 was at 81.86 years--comprising of men ages 79.24 years and women 84.63 years (â€Å"Italy Country Profile, 2012, p. 5). That record is notably one of the highest in the world. In the light of macroeconomics, the nation’s aggregate workforce is mitigating (â€Å"Country Intelligence: Italy,† 2012, p. 16) and such a situation will deem as detrimental. In fact, Italy’s unemployment rate was about 8.40% in 2011, which was considerably higher than that of the developed countries. This implicates that Italy’s work environment may be the cause of weakening social aspects that will lead to impact the economy of the country. As a matter of fact, Italy’s employment rate of 56.9% was lower compared to that of the EU average of 64.2% (â€Å"Italy

Lady in the Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lady in the Water - Essay Example From the essay "Lady in the Water" it is clear that this film is the story which was a spontaneous and unplanned story told by the writer and director of this film, M. Night Shyamalan to his children. But when this kids’ story came in form of the film, it has not become a mere kids’ story. It was because some of the scenes shown in the film are not suitable for kids. Fairy tales can work effectively on pages as well as on screen. They take you in the world of fantasy and imagination. â€Å"Lady in the Water† also has the same attributes. It is a complex and fantasy-filled bedtime story. It is the story based on the current situation. The story conveys the message to the adults who have lost their capacity for deep thinking due to materialism and excess of individualism. According to the writer, we have lost our capacity of deep listening. Today we are surrounded by the bogus stories which are actually far away from reality, especially on television. These stories contain a certain amount of violence, and horror as well as humor. But the real purpose of the bedtime story cannot be attained in television programs. According to Christian Hamaker, "The film is often inspirational, contemplating the worth of humankind, showing how those who are emotionally deadened can be reawakened by a power beyond themselves, and demonstrating how the bonds of a loosely knit community can be strengthened in a common cause. †¦ Although not quite on par with some of the director's earlier work, Lady has its rewards." (Christian Hamaker, July 20, 2006). The power for cherishing goodness by defeating the evil things is there in every human being. Once it gets awakened, the evil has to be defeated. Every human and every living and non living thing on the earth have occupied with divine soul. But unfortunately the materialism of life has made us to forget the divine qualities in us. The water in the film is associated with purity so as the aquatic creature. Again here there is an essence of Hindu theology of incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In the troublesome period, to save the mankind, Lord Vishnu, one of the prim e Hindu Gods incarnate himself and became a fish. This incarnation is known as Matsya (Fish). In this film also Story comes from water to assist mankind. Thus the water is associated with purity, sacredness, innocence while the land is associated

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Some thoughts of the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Some thoughts of the article - Essay Example Therefore, to address these problems, government should to utilize tools for monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary policies tool entails utilization of discount rates and reserve requirements to control inflation and stabilize the economy. On the contrary, fiscal policies tool entails application of taxes as well as control of government expenditure to achieve certain economic goals (Taylor & Weerapana, 2008). On the contrary, Micro economics refers to a branch of economics that involves the study of decisions made by individuals and firms regarding the scarce resource. Whereby, in micro economics, consumers aims to maximize their utility despite having scarce resource aims to maximize their profits while at the same time minimizing their cost. However, due to limited resources, both firms and individuals experience opportunity cost. Whereby, they have to decide the best alternatives to forgo given the fact that resources are limited (Mankiw, 2011). Normally, in micro economics, the prices of goods and services are determined by market forces of supply and demand as well as government regulations. Therefore, both individuals and firms should take into consideration the issues of tax and government regulations when making their decisions (Chandra,

Lady in the Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lady in the Water - Essay Example From the essay "Lady in the Water" it is clear that this film is the story which was a spontaneous and unplanned story told by the writer and director of this film, M. Night Shyamalan to his children. But when this kids’ story came in form of the film, it has not become a mere kids’ story. It was because some of the scenes shown in the film are not suitable for kids. Fairy tales can work effectively on pages as well as on screen. They take you in the world of fantasy and imagination. â€Å"Lady in the Water† also has the same attributes. It is a complex and fantasy-filled bedtime story. It is the story based on the current situation. The story conveys the message to the adults who have lost their capacity for deep thinking due to materialism and excess of individualism. According to the writer, we have lost our capacity of deep listening. Today we are surrounded by the bogus stories which are actually far away from reality, especially on television. These stories contain a certain amount of violence, and horror as well as humor. But the real purpose of the bedtime story cannot be attained in television programs. According to Christian Hamaker, "The film is often inspirational, contemplating the worth of humankind, showing how those who are emotionally deadened can be reawakened by a power beyond themselves, and demonstrating how the bonds of a loosely knit community can be strengthened in a common cause. †¦ Although not quite on par with some of the director's earlier work, Lady has its rewards." (Christian Hamaker, July 20, 2006). The power for cherishing goodness by defeating the evil things is there in every human being. Once it gets awakened, the evil has to be defeated. Every human and every living and non living thing on the earth have occupied with divine soul. But unfortunately the materialism of life has made us to forget the divine qualities in us. The water in the film is associated with purity so as the aquatic creature. Again here there is an essence of Hindu theology of incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In the troublesome period, to save the mankind, Lord Vishnu, one of the prim e Hindu Gods incarnate himself and became a fish. This incarnation is known as Matsya (Fish). In this film also Story comes from water to assist mankind. Thus the water is associated with purity, sacredness, innocence while the land is associated

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Technology and Special Education Essay Example for Free

Technology and Special Education Essay Becoming a Special Education Teacher was all I could think about when I first had to sub at the Elementary school that I am now currently employed at. When I was asked to sub for a teacher that works with all kinds of students who have special needs rather it is a learning disability, handicap or behavior. I was scared, I jumped at the chance to sub plus the extra pay but I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. The first hour was shaky because the children knew I was scared and unsure of myself as their substitute teacher, but I would never forget one of the students came up and hugged me and said she was scared too; I asked her why; she said she didn’t know if I liked her. From that day I on I knew my heart and wanting to become a teacher was special education. These children who are lost in class because of their disability, they either gets picked on, singled out or the teacher just doesn’t call on them. I got hired on at the school as a special education aide, this was where I belonged. I got to see firsthand on how these children were treated in the classroom and outside of the classroom. I felt like now is my chance to get these teachers to understand that these wonderful children are as normal as we are, and that they need a chance to shine too. I loved working with these children but I felt that I should be doing something different with my life and education. Over the past few years I was told by the head of special education that I would be shadowing a 3 year old with down’s syndrome, my heart sunk I felt like this wasn’t for me and didn’t want the job. As soon as I met this wonderful child I knew deep in my heart that I was meant to be her teacher. She is the reason for me going back to college and getting a bachelors degree in education and working on my masters in special education, without her I don’t think I would have gone back to college. I have been working with this child for the past 4 years she is now seven, when looking back at the choice I made I am so glad I got a chance to be a part of this little girls life. My own children and family love this little girl like she was one of own; we have grown attached to her family and theirs to ours. We do family get together and special events, I wouldn’t change a thing. I am just amazed at how many stares or shocked faces when people ask me what do I do and I am proud to say that I teach a child with downs. Most of them don’t understand why I chose to do this and to this day they still ask why? The only thing I can say is why not, she is just as normal as you and me but needs a little more care and lots of patience. I am proud to say that I taught this child to write her very own name, yes it was a challenge and took a full year but this wonderful little girl can write her very own name with no help. This is what teaching is all about, getting the satisfaction that yes every child can learn regardless of their learning or disability. My goal for going back to school was to help special needs children, and I have finally reached that goal. To make sure I understand everything that I need to know. In order for me to become a great teacher, I will need to be learn to be more patient, show a lot of compassion, kindness , ability to listen/reasoning and most importantly is to be loving and love what teaching is all about. Taking what I learned from them and teaching it to my own kids. I want to be able to make a difference in someone’s life. Especially letting people know, that no matter how old you are you can still go back to school and get a degree and fulfill you dream. Not just anyone can say today I am going to go teach a special needs child, teaching a special needs takes patience, compassion and most importantly an education in this field. I feel that in order to succeed in becoming a special education educator use must have some or most of these qualities: be good humored, organized, very accepting to every student, be creative with their teaching methods, even tempered, thick skinned, optimistic and finally being dedicated to their work and their students. Having a good sense of humor helps you and your students, because when you are having fun teaching and enjoying your students. Your students feel the same way and when you are down, upset and depressed they also feel the tension that you are putting off. So it is important for a teacher to be good humored. For example my student is still being potty trained and when she has a messy accident I can turn my back for one quick second and she is already finger painted the walls. I want to get so made at her and scream and yell â€Å"what do you think you are doing † but when I look into her eyes I just laugh, this is why you have to be good humored. Being organized and prepared can also help you succeed in teaching, you have to be able to adjust or modify what you are teaching because not every student learns the same way. For instance my student can be having an off day and tired of the same old routine so I have to be prepared to get her out of her moods to where she wants to learn and have fun at the same time. Being able to adjust and modify your lesson plans in order to help your student succeed in their education for that day. Every educator no matter what they are certified to teach must welcome all students with open arms and a smile. We as teachers need to stop and think is that it’s not the child’s fault they are like this but as educators we can find ways around their learning disability and help them learn. A teacher doesn’t get to pick their star students to teach but the teacher can make any student a star student just by accepting that student for who they are and also by guiding them to the right path for success. Getting to know your students and understanding them will help you and your student in the long run. Every teacher needs to learn to think outside the box when to come to teaching, especially when the students start to get bored or restless with the same old teaching style. Children all of all ages and disabilities all love it when teachers come up with crazy ideas on how to teach a certain subject. It helps keep children entertained and focused on what they are being taught. Bringing creativity into the classroom will have the benefit of enriching your classroom environment as well. For example when it was STARR testing at our school my student and I and to go to the storage/break room, of course I wasn’t fully prepared for this last minute arrangement. Needless to say I used paper cups and plates and wrote letters and numbers on them so we made our own game to where she can still learned her abcs and counting. She loved every minute of it. Working with special needs children can be very challenging and rewarding all at the same time. However the teacher must be able to respond very quickly when their students lose their temper or become out of control. Students can get out of control when the teacher is not strict, firm or being kind, teacher needs to watch what they say and what they do, so they always have wits about them and most importantly stay calm. For example I was working with my student when another teacher raised her voice and an autism boy started panicking and going out of control, instead of talking this boy and getting him madder and scared than what he already is. I started singing his favorite song that he likes â€Å"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star† and after a few minutes of singing he calmed down and came and set in my lap. A teacher must always know what to do when a child gets out of control, they should know their students inside and out. A teacher has to be confident in themselves and in their teachings. When working with any child especially ones who do have special needs, the teacher can’t keep second guessing herself. You have to stay calm and confident al all times and don’t let the children see that you are overwhelmed or stressed because some children feed off that and it will be harder to stay focused on your teachings. Teachers are intuitive, they need to be able to watch and learn how their student is trying to communicate with them or what they are asking for. For example my student who is seven has speech issues to where any person can talk to her and when she replies back they have no clue what she is saying. I have been with this child for the past 4 years that we know what she is saying through some sign and just by watching what she is doing. A teacher needs to know their students inside and out and find ways that they can communicate with their student. A teacher must be thick skinned or be able to get over any rude or name calling that their child calls them. Children act out because they don’t know what else to do when they are made or scared. So they start calling their teachers names or using bad words. Teacher needs to overcome the name calling and still let their student know what they still love them. Being optimistic when teaching children at any age, showing and encouraging them not to give up and to keep trying makes the best teacher there is. When I child hears encouragement then they know that the teacher is there for them and will help them in any way to find them a way to understand what they are being taught or what they are wanting to do. Dedication is the magic word when it comes to teaching children. Getting to know a child who does have special needs does to a caring, compassion and dedicated person. They are in it to help and care for these children and help them get an education no matter how many hurdles or obstacles’ are in the way. I knew that when I was asked to be with a child that has downs from the time she got to school till she went home, I was scared but I was up for the challenge. I feel that in my heart being a dedicated, caring, loving and compassionate person will help me strive to be the very best special educator teacher at there. There are challenges and obstacles that all special educators must face and get through, especially when it comes to the law and being able to provide services for these children. There are a lot of rules, regulation and laws that every teacher has to abide by. Although we understand these rules we always have a question in the back our minds. My question is that knowing we are a public school is providing the right services for our student with downs? oCan we trust our school system Special education staff will rarely tell you that they cant pay for what youre asking for. The IDEA mandates that services cannot be denied on the basis of cost, but special educators know the federal government has never provided sufficient funds to implement that requirement. Special education staff wish you knew that they have little, if any, say in the budget process. Knowing they can meet your childs needs in other ways, special education teachers often try to steer parents away from costly alternatives because they have to. IDEA requires schools to provide an appropriate education not the best possible services (Logsdon). I feel that through all the thick and thin I still want to be the very best special education educator out there. If we aren’t the very best and teaching our children, then who can our children trust? Parents have the right to find the very best education for their children rather it’s a public school, private school or a school that fits their child’s disability. I would want the very best for my own children and for my students. I feel that I have the drive to be able to teach a child and get to know them on their level inside and out. I can be there to help them get the proper education because I can offer them love, care, compassion and all my devotion to them. People who want to work with children need to ask themselves these questions: Would I be a good special education teacher? Do I have the desires and skills to be a successful special education teacher, and actually enjoy what I do? I can honestly answer yes, after working with children who have all sorts of special needs and faced so many challenges. I am ready to take on new and different challenges that the students will bring. I want the students to be able trust me and let me guide them to the right education, and help find them ways that they are comfortable with their learning skills. In order for me to become a successful educator I need to find ways that will help me communicate with the student when the student has speech issues, find ways to help children who are handicapped to learn. There are all kinds of reasons why I will become a successful special education educator and devotion and commitment sums it up. My goal for going back to school was all due to my family and my special little student, reason why was to help special needs children, and I have finally reached that goal. While taking these online classes, I feel like they have molded me into the teacher I want to be. What I expect from my instructors is the same compassion about teaching is the way I feel. To make sure I understand everything that I need to know. In order for me to become a great teacher, I will need to be learn to be more patient, show a lot of compassion, kindness , ability to listen/reasoning and most importantly is to be loving and love what teaching is all about. Taking what I learned from them and teaching it to my own kids. I want to be able to make a difference in someone’s life. Especially letting people know, that no matter how old you are you can still go back to school and get a degree and fulfill you dream. That’s why I am taking these classes to for fill my dream and to help those children in need of an education from someone who can be devoted, love, care and give them compassion for who they are on the inside and on the outside. My philosophy that I go by is strictly based on that every child no matter what disability they have has the chance and deserves the opportunity to have an education. No child should be held accountable or punished because of their disability. Every student can learn it just take time and a lot of patience on both ends. This quote by Helen Keller is something that I agree with, hope and confidence helps your child succeed as long as you hold faith, hope and confidence when teaching your student. I believe as long as you have hope in a student then they will start to have faith in themselves and want to succeed with their education regardless of any hurdles that they come across. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller References: View as multi-pages.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Note On Development Of Waqf Land Economics Essay

Note On Development Of Waqf Land Economics Essay Introduction 1. There is no doubt that the existence of waqf since the time of the prophet s.a.w is meant for the humans to do good deeds for the society and should benefit the Muslims. Waqf or endowment has been embodied in Islam as one of the good deeds in which the spiritual deed rewarded by Allah with 70 times returns.  [1]  In another verse, the act of philanthropy by disposing out property as an act of charity is encouraged in Islam.  [2]  From economic point of view, waqf is a powerful mechanism in developing the nation in form of charitable instruments which is very unique and beneficial for poverty alleviation programmes. 2. In Islamic tradition waqf is very important. Its potential in future development should not be underestimated. The average rate of return on investments made in developing waqf properties came to a minimum of 20-25% (Rashid, 2012)  [3]  . Besides religious purposes, waqf land has also been used for infrastructure development, education sector, healthcare and public amenities. For example, among the prominent education institutions that were founded and maintained using waqf lands are the Al-Azhar University in Egypt, University of Cordova in Spain, Universitas Islam Indonesia in Jogjakarta, Indonesia  [4]  and AlBukhary International University in Malaysia. While in the healthcare sector, the hospital (Al Noori Hospital) in Damascus and clinics (Klinik Nur) in Malaysia.  [5]   Review of Development in Waqf 3. Recently, there is an increasing interest in reviving the waqf institutions. Several international conferences on waqf have been held in recent years (i.e. Harvard, 2006, 2008; South Africa, 2007; Singapore, 2008; Kuwait, 2008; Iran, 2008, Malaysia, 2010).  [6]  These conferences and seminars have discussed how waqf institutions have been revived by means of interviewing relevant authorities and conducting surveys on waqf land rules and regulations in many parts of the Muslim world. Box 1 provides the example development of waqf lands and properties in Malaysia and Singapore. However, despite various efforts by the governments to enhance the benefits, the utilization of waqf lands is still not being optimized and in fact there are a lot undeveloped waqf lands which have potential to be invested through various instruments. 4. From the perspective of research, the literatures discussed the different usage of Islamic modes of investment for waqf institutions (Kahf, 1998; Hasan and Abdullah, 2008). There are also a few literatures dedicated to the topics of waqf land development. Most of these have discussed the historic development of these lands and their legal aspects (Perai, 2005; Hasan and Abdullah, 2008). There are writings that have classified waqf lands according to how they have been used, for example agriculture, construction, mosques, cemeteries, etc. (MAIS, 2008). There is, limited literature that has categorized waqf lands according to their strategic locations and uses let alone matching them with Islamic investment modes (Noor and Mohamed, 2009). 5. There is no recent news of any worth-mentioning waqf development project except in Malaysia during the last two years (20 major and 70 minor waqf projects have been completed, worth over US$100 million)  [7]  . On the other hand, the number of properties sponsored by the Awqf Properties Investment Fund of IDB (APIF) was not up to the mark. During 2002-03 only 8 projects were developed, while 7 projects in 2009 and 5 projects in 2010. The distribution of dividend from the funds was relatively low at only 2.5% compared to Harta Tanah PNB Trust in Malaysia at 6-7% of income distribution annually  [8]  . In addition, World Waqf Foundation has been very inactive as there is no publication from the foundation since 2004. Box 1. Development of Waqf Lands in Malaysia and Singapore The development of waqf in Malaysia and Singapore especially land is fundamentally aimed at generating more income to waqf institution that could be benefited by the beneficiaries. In the context of Malaysia, there are over 35,727 hectares of registered waqf lands in which may be invested to benefit the Muslims society.[1] One of the recent large scale investments of waqf land in Malaysia was initiated by the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council together with Tabung Haji, TH Technologies Sdn. Bhd. and Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad involving a project for the construction of a 34-storey building at a cost of RM151 million. Regardless of this development, it is observed however that the utilization of waqf lands is still not being optimized and in fact there are a lot undeveloped waqf lands which have potential to be invested through various instruments. There are various model of investments of waqf land could be adopted by the waqf authority either they are depending on funding from the federal or state government or statutory bodies or financial institutions. The utmost important is that the ability of the waqf institution to choose the most appropriate and suitable methods of financial schemes for any of its investment project. In Malaysia, the instruments of investment of waqf land namely debt-based instrument, equity-based instruments, self-finance instrument and Islamic securities instruments. However, the existing waqf lands have not been strategically categorized and the modes of Islamic investments have been used arbitrarily. In the case Singapore, although many waqf were still managed by the private trustees, all awqaf created are vested in Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) and required to be registered in MUIS. The effective and efficient management of waqf assets and properties by MUIS had enabled waqf revenue to increase exponentially. MUIS also adopted joint venture and partnering approach to develop waqf properties (i.e a S$28 million development of the 20 units of massionette and selling for 99 years lease). This approach and method proved to be an effective way to develop waqf properties, particularly with property prices spiraling upwards and land scarce Singapore. There are many creative solutions in the development of waqf properties. In current properties investment, Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) instrument is a popular route to owning properties as the structure highly appeals to the investors. MUIS has creatively made an internal REITs for its waqf properties (i.e the purchase of a 6-storey office building with a pool of waqf properties). As at 2006, MUIS manages waqf properties and assets worth about S$341 million.[2] As far as financial resources are concerned, cash waqf scheme and modern financial mode of Sukuk Musharaka bond have been introduced to fund waqf development activities. [1] According to a survey conducted by Jabatan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) in 2000. [2] WAREES PTE LTD (2007). Source: MUIS (2006), Hassan and Abdullah (2008). Binding Constraints to Development of Waqf Land 6. In practice, a wide range of applications of the waqf idea have emerged over time and space, including for purposes of markets, guilds and other civic endowments, usually under the administration of a mutawali, as well as for mosques, schools, cemeteries, housing for the poor and general welfare. In this respect, waqf occupies the ambivalent zone of many charities and philanthropists along with other institutions. However, significant issues facing waqf institutions need to overcome when it comes to process of developing the waqf lands. For instance, the waqf administration is accused of giving less than impartial and just decisions and complaints of bribery against the waqf officials are not uncommon.  [9]  There are also many examples of disputed waqf lands that now in the process of court hearing around the Muslim world. 7. The binding constraints faced by the development of waqf land, among others are: i) unregistered waqf lands without land titles registered in the name of the waqf authority, the land cannot be developed and they remain undeveloped; ii) unexplore option of Istibdal on non-prime land or sale Istibdal or substitution would be a suitable alternative to non prime land being exchanged for prime or more suitable lands for identified development initiatives or refurbishment; iii) waqf on leasehold land and properties classified as national heritage waqf authority may encounter obstacles developing waqf land that are leasehold (till lease expires) or classify under the category of national heritage under the auspices of respective local authority; iv) legal framework to understand different legal frameworks of waqf administration and waqf matters; and v) security for financing route for project financing, the concept of waqf may not allow exceeding to the requirement for land becoming collateral which is a basis for financing. 8. In term of waqf institutions, it is undoubtedly unsatisfactory. In many areas, there has been a devastating evidences of awqaf. The awqaf institutions are not given proper attention and therefore, vast awqaf properties are ill-managed. The inevitable consequence is much dilapidation and disrepair. Even the best wqaf buildings, with tremendous commercial potential, are not getting basic repairs and maintenance (Ahmad and Khan, 1998). Indeed there is a general feeling that waqf properties of the highest quality, is now some sort of cheap commodity, available in the commercial market. On top of which the virtual collapse of institution of awqaf has resulted in a vacuum which, in most Muslim countries have failed to fill in the gap. The reasons for this include: i) poor legislative framework; ii) administrative lapses; iii) lack of political will; iv) indifferent attitude of the management committee of the awqaf; v) lack of funding; and vi) lack of honesty and integrity. Proposed Framework for Waqf Land Development 9. There are vast un-managed assets of awqaf in the world where Muslims also represent a huge amount of social wealth. In the development process, these can be combined to produce necessary facility of social services especially for the poor people (Bellhachmi, 2004). The institution of awqaf could play a better role in the process of social and economic development. In order to achieve this stage, there is a need to give special attention to the development of the vast under-used awqaf properties to reactivate its functions and ability to provide those important services they used to carry out in the past. One of the major problems in relation to reviving awqaf is a lack of funds for regenerating the productivity of the waqf land/properties as well as other moveable and immovable assets. 10. The intended development of waqf lands/properties may be either for the purposes of revivification or advanced in the sense of investment. There are several mode of financing can be employed for development of awqaf lands such as issuing output share, partnership share, leasing etc. Sabit (2006) has divided the development of waqf assets into three (3) main methods: i) credit based finance; ii) joint venture or equity and income sharing; and iii) self-financing. The combination of these three methods of financing or two of them may also necessary based on the requirements of the waqf assets. 11. Based on the recent studies and practices, this study proposes for establishment of waqf assets as an offer of alternative investment through the issuance of sukuk, complemented by cash waqf fund. In order to develop awqaf projects, creating cash waqf fund (i.e Malaysia and Singapore) and sukuk mode of finance (Singapore) will build up trust between investors, depositors and the awqaf institutions for enhancing the financial benefit. It is expected that these two sources of Islamic investment funds will allow the Muslim ummah to invoke waqf contributors motives by financing into the awqaf projects so as to fulfill the objectivities of the awqaf. The details of these two sources of funding for the development of awqaf institutions are discussed below: Before undertaking the development of waqf lands, IDB needs to fulfil three basic requirements: i) develop a co-ordination mechanism between IDB and waqf authority for the purpose of compiling waqf lands information; ii) identify and profile strategic waqf lands for the purpose of commercial activities (i.e hospitals, educational and training institutions, real estate); and iii) form a potential partnership in the form of SPV- IDB as a partner (sharik) with the potential waqf authority to undertake specific waqf projects/investments. Many wqaf institutions simply do not have the funds to develop new capacity while keeping their existing work going on. Waqf assets, through the issuance of sukuk (Islamic bond), offer an alternative investment. Most important point is that sukuk as a product is linked the returns and cash flows of the financing to the assets purchased, or the returns generated from an asset purchased. Therefore, sukuk can be used as a tool to finance for development of the waqf properties. The main objective is to provide long-term support with a focus on building capabilities and showing results. There are several types of sukuk but two, ijara sukuk and musharakah sukuk, are most popular in the real estate financing and for creating funds for construction of new complexes. The development of waqf assets through the issuance of sukuk may be most suitable by using the musharakah financing principle, due to three elements: i) it represents new source of funds on basis of profit and loss-sharing; ii) it is vital to developing awqaf lands; and iii) there is a great deal of surplus cash sitting in Islamic financial institutions. Figure 1. Illustration for Waqf Land Development Source: authors illustration Figure 1 summarizes the cycle for waqf land development via sukuk. The waqf management board creates a musharakah venture. Waqf management board also will also appoint a Waqf Asset Manager as an agent to develop the land. In order to mobilise the fund through musharakah sukuk the following mechanics can be employed  [10]  : i) the waqf asset manager and special purpose vehicle (SPV) enter into a musharakah venture to develop waqf land for a period with pre-determine profit sharing; ii) the waqf asset manager enters into a two-year forward lease agreement with construction company; iii) on behalf of the waqf management board, waqf asset manager contributes land to the musharakah venture; and iv) the SPV contributes cash as capital to build commercial building on the waqf land. The musharakah sukuk can be complemented by cash waqf fund. Cash waqf has become increasingly popular among Muslim, particularly because of its flexibility, which allows distribution of the waqfs potential benefit to be benefited by the poor. Cash waqf fund may be opened for soliciting cash waqf with the intention to support services to mankind in the name of God. The donors (waqifs) of this fund will give their cash money for the purpose of financing the development of awqaf land/building/properties. The waqf mutawalli will manage this fund and the fund will be utilized for providing revolving loans for development of awqaf properties. This loans that are payable to the fund, to be utilized again for financing other awqaf properties. Conclusion 12. This note examines briefly the nature of waqf land development, review recent literature and practices on waqf land development and propose a solution to undertake waqf land development for ISFD. The development of waqf lands is an important milestone for ISFD given the fact that there are large amount of undeveloped and ill-managed waqf lands in the Muslim world. By providing the expertise on enhancing the awqf institutions and develop waqf land in member countries, it is expected from this undertaking that the institution of awqaf could play a better role in the process of social and economic development but also generate additional source of income for ISFD to combat poverty in member countries. This note proposes ISFD to consider undertaking waqf land development through the issuance of sukuk and developing cash waqf fund together with member countries.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What does it mean to be an Individual? :: essays research papers

I am afraid that this is more a long question rather than an answer. What exactly does it mean to be an individual? Or are we even individuals? I suppose what is meant when we say we are individual is that we have individual thoughts, as really our actions throughout our life are far from individual or unique. They may seem to be but really they are not. If this is true though then we rarely get our individualism out, if what is seen is not individual. We think ourselves more individual than say an ant, but then is it possible for their to be a thing that would class itself as more individual than us, and if so in what ways would that thing be different and what would make it more individual? I said previously that maybe only our thoughts are individual, but does this even hold to be true? Our thoughts are there usually to fulfil a certain action, even if the most silly action. Take for example a fear of spiders as a thought. I suppose this isn't exactly silly but it does fulfil the action of protecting someone from what they see as a danger. Our thoughts may be slightly different and so too are our personalities, but really don't they seem to fulfil the same task, the highest up being to survive. Obviously this is taking a broad view, but since our thoughts lead to generally the same goal, then is it only the slight difference in thoughts to achieve the goal that make us individual, and if so, are we really that individual since ultimately our "individual" thoughts lead to the same thing? Since it is our actions that let us interact with others, such as in sports or other things, maybe it is that our individual side is alone, being away from others and only in our own thoughts. This may not be totally true since one can share their thoughts, but looked upon from higher up, say from a worldly view, then this is only the sharing of opinion, with many different means reaching the same end; growing closer to the other person through interaction and the show of individualism. Another example of such a thing is any type of art, be it music, painting, poetry or any other type. These kind of things are regarded by some to be the greatest show of one's individuality as they may think that each brush stroke in a painting shows some of your personality.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aruba :: Free Descriptive Essay About A Place

Aruba Aruba’s political center was located on the island of Curacao while under the colonial control of the Netherlands from 1634 until 1986. Decisions on political issues in Aruba were made by the Dutch Governor who was located on Curacao. With the economic boom of the oil refineries in the 1900’s, the people of Aruba started to feel the need to have a say in issues facing them. Many political issues were put on hold because of World War II and the German occupation of the Netherlands from 1940 to 1944. With the world at peace, the issue of the post war handling of their colonies had to be faced by the Dutch. The Netherlands Antilles, which includes------------------- was granted universal adult suffrage in 1950 and internal self-government in 1950. After four years of considerable discussion, the Dutch government and its American colonies adopted an unusual constitutional experiment, the Statute of the Realm, which became effective in December 1954. Under the Statute, the Dutch monarch reined over a composite realm made up of the three kingdoms of the Netherlands, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles. The statue grants the Dutch islands considerable autonomy. The realm has jurisdiction over defense, foreign affairs, the sharing of citizenship, and certain other specific matters. All other governmental powers are reserved to the former colonies. Even in foreign affairs, the Netherlands Antilles can join international bodies, and the Realm may not make or break treaties affecting its Caribbean members without their consent . The Kingdom of the Netherlands Antilles formed the Antilles Federation. The center of political power for Aruba during the colonial period was located in Curacao. With the coming changes resulting from World War II, the real issue brought forward before the war was not resolved. A government located on Curacao still ruled Aruba. Leaders of Aruba remained convinced that Curacao treated them unfairly and unjustly obtained too much of their income. The Netherlands maintained that any island leaving the federation must become an independent nation. As Aruba’s economy was boosted by the establishment of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Exxon)’s largest refinery in the world in 19----------------, the cry for independence (or â€Å"Status Aparte†) became more and more vivid. During this period the political parties A.V.P (Arubaanse Volks Partij) and U.N.A. (Union Nacionalista Arybano) governed the island.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Culture Assessment Essay

A widely accepted definition of organizational culture is it is the shared meanings, artifacts, values, beliefs, norms, and assumptions that dictate how an organization works and its existence (Cameron & Quinn, 2006). Organization culture is shaped by more than one element; say individuals’ life experiences, background, education levels and so fourth. Undoubtedly, leadership also plays a critical role in defining what culture prevails in the organization and their actions have a major influence on how the rest of the organization follows suit. (Robbins et al, 2000) Additionally organization culture defines the strategies that a firm uses in handling things like competition, growth, resource management and the like. (Goffee & Jones, 1996) A good assessment of the cultural orientation of a firm makes it likelier to promote interorganisational network and also implement changes that encourage member participation and productivity. The key indicators of organizational culture include organization structure, power and managerial styles, ways in which members of the organization interact and do their jobs among others. This paper takes a look at FedEx Corporation and gives a summary of the type of organization culture at FedEx, its benefits, hindrances as well as the recommendations of the company. Company overview FedEx Corporation is a large company headquartered in the US that deals in printing, courier services and logistics as well as cargo airline services. This company has been named one of the top 10 most admirable companies by Fortune magazine two years in a row. Since its founding in 1971 it has grown from humble beginnings a leader in air courier industry. Its brands include the FedEx home delivery, FedEx smart post and FedEx freight east and west, FedEx services among others. Its chief competitors are DHL, TNT, UPS, BAX Global and USPS. The company employs over 250,000 workers and has a net income of approximately 1. 8 billion dollars in 2006. Culture assessment The organization culture at FedEx blends various kinds of organization culture but perhaps the most predominant culture is flexibility discretion and dynamism. This has been its major strategy of staying ahead. To support this, FedEx takes pride in their ability to adapt to change so as to enhance effectiveness and competitiveness. (Cameron & Quinn, 2006, p. 34) This it achieves by combining innovation, knowledge sharing, high experience and team work in its key strategies to attaining competitive advantage. A good illustration of FedEx external focus is evident in the numerous deliveries of relief supplies that FedEx made to hurricane Katrina victims for free in 2005, earning it more customers and goodwill. Adhocracy orientation at FedEx is fostered at top level management down to the junior staff. The CEO of FedEx encourages employees to be trend setters and nonconformist and dare to take calculated risk. The management encourages employees to be all ears on current events and look for opportunities. The guiding philosophy is that an innovation failed is better than a thousand years lost in risk averse dealings. Innovation at FedEx is held with high regard and employees are rewarded handsomely for developing fresh ideas. The management supports viable projects from employees financially or otherwise. This is one reason why FedEx distinguishes itself as an evergreen company in the air courier industry. This culture is underscored when creative attempts that fail are rewarded as well as the successful innovations. The familiar slogan ‘absolutely, positively gets it there overnight’ is made real by the culture ingrained in the employees towards importance of customer service, efficiency at work, speed and accurate scheduling. This culture leverages FedEx for competitive advantage. Basically, the FedEx corporate culture emphasizes urgency, speed and teamwork, exceeding customers’ expectations, initiative, flexibility and active listening (O’Reilly, Tushman & Michael, 1997) Aside from the flexible nature at FedEx, it also adopts an outwardly and sensitive approach to the environment that it operates. Competitiveness fosters the company to always look for opportunities to expand and grow. While the opposite of this culture is to foster integration and unity within the organization as well as knowledge some elements of this culture are also present at FedEx. This is because FedEx emphasizes high skills among employees. Employees at FedEx are highly learned individuals as the company only picks the best of the best. Working ones way up the corporate ladder requires that ones knowledge base also increases. In addition, the internal focus of FedEx organizational culture provides an appropriate environment that enables employees to grow and exercise their skills as seen in the various training and task assignments delegated to employees. In order for knowledge sharing to be maximized then division of labor, job enrichment, team building and so forth have to be conducted regularly (Murray, Poole & Jones, 2005) some aspects of these are present at FedEx. FedEx corporate culture values hard work and rewards such appropriately. It also disregards discriminations and fosters equal opportunities for its employees in areas of promotion, transfer and recruitment. The hands off team oriented management style promote progressive and diversified work culture. Communication is a key strength for FedEx organization culture and regular surveys on employees’ views on the job are taken to monitor and modify areas of universal discontent. Notably, the employees at FedEx are highly experienced and skilled individuals. The culture therefore is based on letting employees be free agents who direct their jobs in their own direction. The management ensures that employees are proactive and take initiative to learn from mistakes of others. The employees are not reprimanded or penalized for slip-ups rather management takes the blunder as an opportunity to teach the rest. Most of the tasks done at FedEx are assigned to teams which are given sufficient power and authority to fulfill their responsibilities and be accountable for the results. Seemingly this is the reason behind the great success of FedEx. The benefit of the cultures present at FedEx is that the company is maintains its competitiveness amid intense competition from the competitors. Additionally, it deals with fewer conflicts, fewer staff turnover and enjoys increase in employees’ job satisfaction, higher performance less resistance to change, higher productivity and better customer service and so forth. The hindrances of this kind of organization culture are that it requires major investment in time and money. The management needs to be patient with employee mistakes which are most times costly. Additionally it is difficult to monitor this practice in the FedEx Company because of the large workforce and the busy schedules that the employees have. Conclusion The organizational culture at FedEx has both benefits and detrimental aspects although many are the benefits. In the competitive faced paced industry that FedEx operates their culture seem most fitting. Perhaps the only thing that I would improve is the hierarchal structure and the communication channels for free flow of information and faster decision making throughout the organization.